Friday, April 5, 2013

Setting up a game update loop in-sync with rendering

One thing that just about every game ends up needing is a way to update the game in-step with the devices v-sync. Some games even take it a step further and update their rendering system separate from their game world, so the game world and rendering can update independently. For now we'll keep it simple and just talk about setting up an update loop that remains in-sync with rendering.

First, you want to keep your frame updates within reasonable limits, relative to the device's refresh rate. And like V-sync, you also only want to update with time changes that are multiples of the refresh rate. First we'll set up a few variables to hold some of that data.
static const float s_device_refresh = 60.f;
static const float s_device_quarter_refresh = s_device_refresh / 4.f;
static const float s_min_framerate = s_device_quarter_refresh;
static const float s_max_frametime = 1 / s_min_framerate;
static const float s_target_framerate = s_device_refresh;
static const float s_min_frametime = 1 / s_target_framerate;

Note that I'm not actually reading in the device's refresh rates in this post, I'm assuming a refresh rate of 60 fps. In real-world use you'll need to grab the refresh rate from the device and store it for use. And we will just use a quarter of the refresh rate as the minimum update rate that we'll accept, which is 15 fps in this example.

And we'll create a couple of variables to hold how much time since we last allowed the game to update, and the total time elapsed since the program started.
static float s_time_buffer = 0.f;
static float s_actual_time_elapsed = 0.f;

Let's setup a simulated update function. The update function is the one you would end up calling whenever we calculate that it will line up with the device's refresh. All we do in this example is show how much time the update method would be given to update the game, how much actual time has passed since the program started, and what frame the device would be on by this point.
void update(const float time_delta, const float game_time)
    std::cout << "Update, time_delta: " << time_delta << ", total time: " << game_time << ", frame #: "
              << static_cast<int>(game_time / (1 / s_device_refresh)) << std::endl << std::endl;
Now, for the bread and butter, we need a method that processes how much time has elapsed since the OS last let our program update, and can take that time and figure out if we need an update, and how much time that update should be allowed to simulate.
void process_update_needed(const float time_delta)
    s_time_buffer += time_delta;
    s_actual_time_elapsed += time_delta;
    std::cout << "Processing update, time_delta: " << time_delta << ", time accumulated: " << s_time_buffer << std::endl;
    float time_this_update = 0.f;
    while ( s_time_buffer >= s_min_frametime )
        s_time_buffer -= s_min_frametime;
        time_this_update += s_min_frametime;
    while ( time_this_update > 0.f )
        if ( time_this_update >= s_max_frametime )
            time_this_update -= s_max_frametime;
            update(s_max_frametime, s_actual_time_elapsed);
            update(time_this_update, s_actual_time_elapsed);
            time_this_update = 0.f;
We update s_time_buffer, which holds how much time we have stored up. Here we're also keeping track of the total time elapsed (s_actual_time_elapsed). We create a float to store how much time we're going to send to our 'update' function. Now, what the condition for the while loop is doing is, if the amount of time we've accumulated is greater than or equal to 1/60th of a second (since we're assuming 60 fps) then we remove 1/60th of a second from the time buffer and add it to the amount of time we'll be sending to the update method. The next while loop, if there is any time to be send to the update method, will check to see if the amount of time we're sending to the update method is greater than the maximum frame time. If the time is greater than the maximum frame time, then we just send the maximum frame time for this update and then we subtract that amount from the time remaining to be sent to update. Once the time remaining is less than the maximum frame time then we just send the rest.

There are a couple of major considerations to make when updating your game:
  1. Do you want predictable time slices for every receiver of update calls?
  2. If your update calls are expensive, do you really want to call them more than once per frame? (This can lead to a well-of-despair problem, which we'll talk about later as well)
The example above will split of the time into slices that are multiples of the refresh rate, and call update for every slice. This ensures that receivers of the update method get time slices that are always multiples of the refresh rate, never less than the refresh rate, and never greater than the max time amount that you've defined. Why is having a multiple of the refresh rate important? If you're moving anything on the screen, it will look smoothest if it moves at the same rate at all times.

Why a timestep that is a multiple of the screen refresh rate?

Let's imagine a dot moving across the screen, we'll just talk about it's X position, assuming 0 is the left side of the screen, and 100 is the right side of the screen. The dot moves at 100 units per second, so it should cross the screen in 1 second. Now lets look at the numbers, comparing time elapsed with the times that the screen has actually rendered.
Time (ms) | Frame (60fps) |  Dot pos (actual time)  |  Dot pos (refresh times)  |
0         |  0            |  0                      |  0                        |
10        |  0            |  1                      |  0                        |
21        |  1            |  2.1                    |  1.67                     |
33.3      |  2            |  3.33                   |  3.33                     |
43        |  2            |  4.3                    |  3.33                     |
54        |  3            |  5.4                    |  5.0                      |
66.6      |  4            |  6.66                   |  6.66                     |

In the above table you can see what kind of results we get if don't use fixed time steps that are multiples of the refresh rate. The numbers on the left represent non-fixed times that would be passed to your update method. The second column shows you what frame the game would be on at those times. The third column shows the X position where you would be rendering the dot on the screen on that frame, and the fourth column shows where you actually want to be rendering the dot on the screen if you the smooth constant speed the player is expecting to see. So, if you want to get rid of the visual jitteriness, the key is to update only one frames that you'll be rendering on, and to update at a rate that matches the last time that you rendered. The big caveat with this is that you need to make sure that the time your frames are taking to process is fairly consistent. If you wait until a specific time so that you can update in-sync with the monitor refresh rate and then your update takes much longer than average, your update will actually push back the render to the next frame, and you'll end up with jitteriness anyway. So one of your end goals for your game should be a fairly consistent framerate.

Avoid the well-of-despair problem

The well-of-despair problem is when your time accumulates, and requires more fixed timestep updates to get rid of. The extra update calls end up increasing the amount of time your frame takes, which in turn makes your time accumulate to larger values. And thus the cycle continues until your framerate is hosed completely.

There are a couple of ways to get around the problem, both have their own issues though.

Option 1.) Lie about time
If the accumulated time exceeds a certain threshold then you can just send the update method a certain maximum value. This will result in your game moving in slow-motion. I'm sure you've seen this in certain games in the past, at times when a lot is going on and the device can't keep up. That is why that happens in those games. Here's an updated 'process_update_needed' function that handles the well-of-despair problem by lying about time. If our 'time_this_update' was 0.12f, and our s_max_time_threshold is 0.1f, then we'll be updating only 0.1f, causing the game to visually slow down by about 18%.
static const float s_max_time_threshold = s_device_refresh / 6.f;

void process_update_needed(const float time_delta)
    s_time_buffer += time_delta;
    s_actual_time_elapsed += time_delta;
    std::cout << "Processing update, time_delta: " << time_delta << ", time accumulated: " << s_time_buffer << std::endl;
    float time_this_update = 0.f;
    while ( s_time_buffer >= s_min_frametime )
        s_time_buffer -= s_min_frametime;
        time_this_update += s_min_frametime;
    if ( time_this_update > s_max_time_threshold )
        // We'll split the large amount of time into at least 2 updates to
        // keep the update time steps from being too large.
        update( s_max_time_threshold / 2, s_actual_time_elapsed );
        update( s_max_time_threshold / 2, s_actual_time_elapsed );
        while ( time_this_update > 0.f )
            if ( time_this_update >= s_max_frametime )
                time_this_update -= s_max_frametime;
                update(s_max_frametime, s_actual_time_elapsed);
                update(time_this_update, s_actual_time_elapsed);
                time_this_update = 0.f;

Option 2.) Don't used fixed timesteps once you exceed the maximum time threshold, just pass the actual time. This can result in extremely large timesteps in some cases, which can cause bugs.

void process_update_needed(const float time_delta)
    s_time_buffer += time_delta;
    s_actual_time_elapsed += time_delta;
    std::cout << "Processing update, time_delta: " << time_delta << ", time accumulated: " << s_time_buffer << std::endl;
    float time_this_update = 0.f;
    while ( s_time_buffer >= s_min_frametime )
        s_time_buffer -= s_min_frametime;
        time_this_update += s_min_frametime;
    if ( time_this_update > s_max_time_threshold )
        update( time_this_update, s_actual_time_elapsed );
        while ( time_this_update > 0.f )
            if ( time_this_update >= s_max_frametime )
                time_this_update -= s_max_frametime;
                update(s_max_frametime, s_actual_time_elapsed);
                update(time_this_update, s_actual_time_elapsed);
                time_this_update = 0.f;

The reason the above method can cause bugs is due to the potential for a large time step. For example let's say your player's character is running and trying to jump over a gate that is rising up to block him. If the timesteps were small enough the gate would rise up before the player got to it and the player would be blocked by it. Now let's say you game has a hitch that causes it to freeze for a full second, and when the game resumes it passes that full second timestep to your player and the player jumps a second of distance through the air. There are ways to tackle this problem, but this is just one example of something you would need to handle with large timesteps. If you can stick to more updates at a smaller timestep, or allowing the game to slow down a bit, then you avoid those problems, as a tradeoff for the slowdown you'll get.

Alright, we're almost done. We want a way to test our code, here's the main() function to do that for you:
#include <ctime>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    // Randomize with time as a seed
    std::srand( static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0)) );
    static const float min_frametime = 0.01f;   // 100 fps
    static const float max_frametime = 0.04f;   // 25 fps
    for ( int i = 0; i < 30; ++i )
        float rand_frametime = min_frametime + static_cast<float>(std::rand()) / (static_cast<float>( RAND_MAX / (max_frametime - min_frametime) ));
        process_update_needed( rand_frametime );
    return 0;

Here's the full source code for the version that allows the game to slow down to avoid the well-of-despair problem.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

static float s_time_buffer = 0.f;
static float s_actual_time_elapsed = 0.f;
static const float s_device_refresh = 60.f;
static const float s_device_quarter_refresh = s_device_refresh / 4.f;
static const float s_min_framerate = s_device_quarter_refresh;
static const float s_max_frametime = 1 / s_min_framerate;
static const float s_target_framerate = s_device_refresh;
static const float s_min_frametime = 1 / s_target_framerate;
static const float s_max_time_threshold = s_device_refresh / 6.f;

void update(const float time_delta, const float game_time)
    std::cout << "Update, time_delta: " << time_delta << ", total time: " << game_time << ", frame #: "
              << static_cast<int>(game_time / (1 / s_device_refresh)) << std::endl << std::endl;

void process_update_needed(const float time_delta)
    s_time_buffer += time_delta;
    s_actual_time_elapsed += time_delta;
    std::cout << "Processing update, time_delta: " << time_delta << ", time accumulated: " << s_time_buffer << std::endl;
    float time_this_update = 0.f;
    while ( s_time_buffer >= s_min_frametime )
        s_time_buffer -= s_min_frametime;
        time_this_update += s_min_frametime;
    if ( time_this_update > s_max_time_threshold )
        // We'll split the large amount of time into at least 2 updates to
        // keep the update time steps from being too large.
        update( s_max_time_threshold / 2, s_actual_time_elapsed );
        update( s_max_time_threshold / 2, s_actual_time_elapsed );
        while ( time_this_update > 0.f )
            if ( time_this_update >= s_max_frametime )
                time_this_update -= s_max_frametime;
                update(s_max_frametime, s_actual_time_elapsed);
                update(time_this_update, s_actual_time_elapsed);
                time_this_update = 0.f;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    // Randomize with time as a seed
    std::srand( static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0)) );
    static const float min_frametime = 0.01f;   // 100 fps
    static const float max_frametime = 0.04f;   // 25 fps
    for ( int i = 0; i < 30; ++i )
        float rand_frametime = min_frametime + static_cast<float>(std::rand()) / (static_cast<float>( RAND_MAX / (max_frametime - min_frametime) ));
        process_update_needed( rand_frametime );
    return 0;


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  12. The well-of Watch Museum -despair problem is when your time accumulates, and requires more fixed timestep updates to get rid of.
