Wednesday, December 28, 2011

QuickStart Engine v0.26 Preview, Nuclex GUI

For a long time now I've wanted a single GUI in the QuickStart Engine's demo, to make things easier to learn, and over the last few weeks I've been thinking that if I am going to go through the trouble of setting up a GUI for the demo that I might as well setup the GUI such that the user could put it in their own games. However programming a full featured GUI is a very large task, the Nuclex GUI framework alone has almost as many code files as the QuickStart Engine! There was really no need to write my own GUI so I decided to find a GUI framework suitable to be used in C#, XNA, and games, and I believe I've found that with the Nuclex GUI framework.

Here's a screenshot of a simple draggable window in the game with a couple of buttons.

Before this is released I'll want to expose simple ways of connecting the GUI to a game (for example, letting buttons send game messages might be handy), and I would also like to be able to control the transparency of the window. I would like to just include the Nuclex binary files (.dlls) in the project rather than include the Nuclex GUI sourcecode, but it looks like I might have to make some changes to get the transparency stuff that I want.

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